Your self-care matters

"You've got to take care of yourself first!" That's the top advice shared by families in the Akin community who have successfully navigated the mental illness journey.

Sure, it can seem strange to focus on your physical and emotional needs when your loved one needs help. Or maybe you’re worried about being selfish. As the saying goes, you can't pour from an empty cup. You can’t give your loved one compassion, patience, and support when you’re burned out.

Take this lesson to fill up your cup. You'll better understand why your needs matter and how to take better care of yourself. You'll learn ways to manage stress and make time for your own wellness.

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Videos for this lesson are coming soon.

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"You've got to take care of yourself first!" That's the top advice shared by families in the Akin community who have successfully navigated the mental illness journey.

Sure, it can seem strange to focus on your physical and emotional needs when your loved one needs help. Or maybe you’re worried about being selfish. As the saying goes, you can't pour from an empty cup. You can’t give your loved one compassion, patience, and support when you’re burned out.

Take this lesson to fill up your cup. You'll better understand why your needs matter and how to take better care of yourself. You'll learn ways to manage stress and make time for your own wellness.


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